10 Ways to Fight Human Trafficking
10 things you can do to fight human trafficking

- REPORT IT: Put the National Human Trafficking Hotline in your cell phone (888-3737-888) and call it or 911 (if it’s an emergency in progress) when you think you see something that could be human trafficking. You can also text INFO or HELP to: BeFree (233733).
- POST IT: Volunteer to place Freedom Stickers inside bathroom stalls, which are often the only places a victim of human trafficking is alone and able to ask for help. Lives are saved with this opportunity. Learn more here: http://inourbackyard.org/freedom-stickers/
- LEARN: There are many myths about HT that circulate. Go beyond surface knowledge. Take time to find out the truth, read a book, attend a presentation, and learn more so you can really know it when you see it. More resources are available here: http://inourbackyard.org/learn-more
- DOWNLOAD THE ANTI-HUMAN TRAFFICKING APP: TraffickCam enables you to help combat sex trafficking by uploading photos of the hotel rooms you stay in when you travel. These photos will be used to determine where perpetrators of sex trafficking are committing their crimes. Download the app today!
- VOLUNTEER: Get Involved with an anti-human trafficking organization in your area! If you don’t know of anti-trafficking efforts to support with your time and talents, contact the National Human Trafficking Resource Center for a list of organizations: www.traffickingresourcecenter.org/
- DONATE: Nonprofit organizations that work to stop human trafficking day in and day out need your help! Donate at: http://inourbackyard.org/donate/ or your local organization today!
- PREVENT IT: Encourage schools to include anti-trafficking education in their curriculum. The average age of entry is 12-14 years old. Know who your children communicate with in person and online. Prevention is our best defense. Visit our Teens Against Trafficking page to learn more: http://inourbackyard.org/teens-against-trafficking/
- ADVOCATE: Meet with your legislators and tell them you are concerned about human trafficking in our backyard and ask them what they are doing to stop it. Find your legislator here: http://inourbackyard.org/legislator/
- Tell your senators to reauthorize the Trafficking Victims Protection Act!
- EXAMINE IT: Find out how you are contributing to the problem of human trafficking. Go to http://slaveryfootprint.org/ and
- take a few minutes to take the quiz. It will shock you!
- SHARE IT: Tell someone about what you just read! All the traffickers ask is that we be quiet about this crime. If we do, they can continue in their atrocious crime. Tell someone today – let’s stop this! Be an educator in your sphere of influence (friends, workplace, church, local organizations, etc.)
There are many ways to get involved. Take the first step today!
Email info@inourbackyard.org with questions